Juniper Berry Essential Oil Benefits

Juniper Berry Essential Oil Benefits

Hope Johnson
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Juniper Berry Essential Oil Benefits

Juniper Berry Essential Oil Benefits are numerous and profound. At Miracle Botanicals, we carry two main varieties of juniper berry essential oil: common juniper (Juniperus communis) and mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum). We also carry a very special Co2-extracted common juniper.

View our entire collection of Juniper Berry and Juniper Wood Essential Oils.

Customers frequently ask me which juniper berry oil is right for them, so I decided to put together this short guide to help you answer that question.

The two main varieties of juniper are related, as are their essential oils. However, there is also quite a bit of difference in the actual constituents of the essential oils, and this will mean a difference in aroma as well as in therapeutic properties.

Before I address the differences between our two juniper berry varieties, let me first tell you their common points. First off, juniper berry essential oils come from berries of the female juniper trees coniferous trees that grow all around the world in hundreds of different species.

These berries have been used for a long time as a fundamental part of natural medicine to treat infections, promote stamina, and as a part of traditional cleansing ceremonies.

In modern times, juniper berry essential oils have also been studied scientifically. We now know that they are mostly composed of monoterpenes, a class of aromatic chemicals that have a range of therapeutic benefits, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, and analgesic effects.

With that said, let’s look at the two specific juniper berry oils and their unique properties.

Common Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Juniper Berry Essential Oil - Wildcrafted (Juniperus Communis)

Juniper Berry Essential Oil - Wildcrafted (Juniperus Communis)


Botanical Name: Juniperus Communis Plant Part: Juniper Berries Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: Serbia Color/Consistency: Clear color with thin consistency Main Chemical Components: alpha-Pinene (33.84%), Sabinene (8.9%), Limonene (8.57%) … read more

Common juniper is a very widespread tree. In fact, it has the widest geographical range of any woody plant it ranges throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Common juniper essential oil tends to have a fresh, fruity, green, and slightly balsamic aroma.

This oil is very high in alpha-pinene, which can account for as much as 55% of the total. Alpha-pinene is one of the most widely occurring essential oil compounds, and its also found in large amounts in frankincense, pine, and rosemary oils.

Alpha-pinene is a bronchodilator, and it's the reason why common juniper berry essential oil helps with breathing problems. This compound also has anti-inflammatory properties, acts as a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and it even helps improve memory.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil - Organic - Co2 Extracted (Juniperus Communis)

Juniper Berry Essential Oil - Organic - Co2 Extracted (Juniperus Communis)


Botanical Name: Juniperus Communis Plant Part: Juniper Berries Method of Extraction: Co2 Extracted Country of Origin: Bulgaria Color/Consistency: Pale Yellow Color with Thin Consistency Main Chemical Components: Alpha-Pinene (28.7%), Beta-Myrcene (15.7%), Germacrene D (10.2%) … read more

In addition to alpha-pinene, our current batch of Co2 Extracted Juniper Berry essential oil contains significant amounts of myrcene, another monoterpene, and the reason for the slightly fruity aroma of this variety. Myrcene is also found in large amounts in cannabis essential oil and acts as a sedative and for pain relief.

For the chemical analysis of our current batch of essential oils, you can check the "Test Report" tab on the individual product listings.

Because of its chemical profile, common juniper essential oil may be particularly useful for the following:

Respiratory Health 
Alpha-pinene is a bronchodilator, and it's the reason why common juniper berry essential oil helps with breathing problems.

Improved Circulation
Juniper Berry Essential oil can help reduce water retention, inflammation, and cellulite.

Pain Relief and Muscle Cramping 
Myrcene is also found in significant amounts in the Co2 Extracted Juniper Berry essential oil, and thereby acts as a sedative and pain reliever.

Gum Health
Juniper Berry is highly effective in aiding gum and tooth health because of its antiseptic and antibiotic components.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil can help detox the body from parasites, help balance the digestive system and strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Improves Memory
With high amounts of Alpha-pinene, Juniper Berry Essential Oil can help improve memory retention, helping with alertness and increasing focus. 

Skin Cell Regeneration
Juniper Berry is an excellent aid for wound healing. It can help restore pigment to the skin, even out and tone, and heal rashes and eczema by helping to rejenerate skin cells.

Many people also find common Juniper Berry Essential Oil (whether steam distilled or Co2-extracted) effective for improving cellulite and acne. In fact, it’s an important ingredient in our Fat Free Body Formula.

At this point, I have to address a couple of claims that are commonly made against common juniper essential oil that it can be harmful to kidneys if used for a prolonged period of time, and that it shouldn’t be used during pregnancy.

I've checked Robert Tisserands book Essential Oil Safety, the authoritative safety text when it comes to essential oils. According to this book, there is no good reason to back up the claim that common juniper berry essential oil is harmful to kidneys or that it’s dangerous during pregnancy. In fact, these claims are probably due to a long-running confusion between common juniper berry and another essential oil, savin (Juniperus sabina).

juniper berry essential oil benefits

Mountain Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Mountain juniper berry, also known as Rocky Mountain juniper or weeping juniper is a species of juniper that's native to the western parts of North America. At Miracle Botanicals, we source this oil directly from a small family distiller in the Arizona desert.

The aroma of mountain juniper berry is fresh and warm, with minor citrus overtones and only a trace amount of camphor.

The main constituent of mountain juniper berry essential oil is the monoterpene, sabinene, which can account for as much as 50% of the oil. Sabinene is a natural antifungal and antioxidant. It is not nearly as common as alpha-pinene, though it is also found in significant amounts in frankincense frereana and black pepper essential oils (in fact, it's responsible in part for the spiciness of black pepper).

Unlike common juniper berry essential oil, mountain juniper berry contains significant amounts of alpha-terpinene, a substance also found in tea tree oil and studied for its anti-cancer properties. In addition, it contains limonene, which is responsible for the citrusy overtone of this oil.

Therapeutically, mountain juniper berry essential oil is a natural antifungal, thanks to its sabinene content. In addition, it is believed to benefit liver function and digestion, relieve arthritis, and soothe skin conditions.

Juniper Berry (Mountain) Essential Oil (Juniperus scopulorum)

Juniper Berry (Mountain) Essential Oil (Juniperus scopulorum)


Botanical Name: Juniperus scopulorum Plant Part: Berries Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled  Country of Origin: USA Color/Consistency: Clear with Thin Consistency Main Chemical Components: Sabinene (49.51%), Terpinen-4-ol (7.24%) To learn about how this variety of Juniper differs from common Juniper,… read more

Specific Benefits of Mountain Juniper Berry Essential Oil:
With anti-fungal and antioxidant properties, Mountain Juniper Berry Essential Oil is a great choice to help aid in healing fungal infections, strengthen liver function, and improve digestion.

Improves Circulation
Mountain Juniper Berry is great for reducing cellulite, toning the skin, and balancing the skin because it is high in anti-oxidant properties making Mountain Juniper Berry useful in reducing free radicals from the body.

Ease Muscle Cramps
Because it is high in the chemical component Sabinene, Mountain Juniper Berry is a great pain reliever and can ease arthritis pain.

Digestive Health
Mountain Juniper Berry is an especially helpful aid in balancing digestive issues. Such as healing stomach ulcers, helping bile regulation, and balancing intestinal gas or bloating.

Uplifting and Clarifying to the Mind
Mountain Juniper Berry is one of the most life-giving essential oils in aromatherapy. One whiff can brighten any foggy day and help to bring focus and joy into the moment. 

Which one is right for you?

If you’re looking to heal wounds, remedy bacterial infections, or deal with breathing issues, then common juniper berry essential oil is the way to go. You can opt for our Co2 Extract or Steam Distilled variety. 

If you need to remedy a fungal infection or to promote liver function and healthy digestion, then mountain juniper berry is your choice.

Beyond this, both oils offer pain relief and are uplifting and clarifying to the mind. Choosing between them will be a matter of which aroma you prefer. If you prefer more fruity and balsamic that's common juniper, more citrusy and slightly camphorous is the case of mountain juniper.

Personally, I love both varieties of our juniper berry essential oils, though there's a special place in my heart for the mountain juniper. I love to use it in the shower, by just placing a few drops in my palm and spreading it all over my body from toes to neck. I find that this oil is also great when inhaled as a way to bring my thoughts back to peace.

I hope this brief guide will help you decide which juniper berry is right for you. If you still have any questions or need help making up your mind, write us an email at and we will do our best to help.

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