5 Ways to Enhance Workout Focus

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Last summer, most of us were taking some time off from our workout routines, but in our defense, there was a full-blown pandemic happening — so what better time to kick back and indulge in carbs, right? But now, you’re staring summer 2021 right in its metaphorical face, trying to figure out how to get back into your fitness routine

Getting in shape requires dedication, discipline, and focus. We all know what it takes, but it doesn’t make it any easier to hit the gym when you’ve been on cruise control for the better part of a year. Don’t worry, it’s possible! You just need to find some helpful ways to boost your workout focus, and we’ve got a few tips, tricks, and CBD products to make the process much easier! 

Set Realistic Goals 

goalsYou know yourself better than anyone else. Specifically, how much you honestly want to put into exercise. It’s easy to pin a bunch of workouts on Pinterest and say you’re going to get up at 6:00 a.m. to try them all, but will you really

Or, maybe you do it for two or three days and then forget all about it. If you want to avoid early burnout, set realistic goals you can stick to when you’re getting back into the swing of things. Whether that’s walking for 15 minutes a day, or going full force in the gym twice a week — do what works for you. 

When you create realistic goals, you forge a different type of focus around your fitness routine because you’re building confidence, feeling good about yourself and what you’re accomplishing.

Have an Accountability Buddy 

There are a select few who don’t have a problem getting to the gym, but instead, have a hard time focusing when they get there. If self-starting isn’t your strong suit, look into group classes or a workout buddy for accountability purposes. 

When you go to group workout classes, you gain focus and energy being around a like-minded group of individuals. Oh, and let’s not forget boot camp classes. If you opt for these classes, you’ll have someone pushing you extremely hard! 

Focus-Enhancing Supplements 

cbdfx photo product focusshot jul There are all kinds of supplements you can add to your workout routine these days, it just depends on what you want to gain. However, when it comes to focusing, we’ve got a favorite to share with you — a CBD Focus Shot.  

The most common complaint when it comes to working out is “I’m too tired,” but this is a thing of the past when you have a CBD Focus Shot in your gym bag. Each CBD-infused shot contains 20mg of CBD, 75mg of caffeine, and 150mg of L-arginine. 

So, how do all of these ingredients work to enhance your workout focus? Let’s start with CBD. Have you ever walked into the gym and felt like all eyes were on you? Some welcome this occurrence, but this makes some people feel uncomfortable and somewhat intimidated — as if the machines aren’t intimidating enough?! 

A healthy serving of CBD before the gym helps settle the nerves so you can hit the ground (or treadmill in this case) running. Some people worry about being too relaxed adding CBD into their workout routine, but this is where 75mg of caffeine comes into play. 

Taken together, CBD and caffeine balance one another so you’re energized, but not to the point where you feel jittery. 

L-arginine is another part of this drink that’s quite beneficial. There’s some evidence to suggest this compound enhances blood flow and oxygenation to the muscles during your workout. 

The main takeaway from this section is that there are plenty of supplements you can add to your workout routine. Figure out what your goals are and grab a supplement that gives you an edge, but if you struggle with finding energy and focus in the gym, check out our CBD Focus Shots. 

Create a Workout Playlist 

Create a Workout PlaylistThere are plenty of good reasons to throw some headphones on and rock out while you workout. In fact, music is pretty incredible when you think about all of the cognitive benefits it provides

Here are a few additional reasons you should listen to music while you workout: 

  • • Provides the right kind of distraction — you can zone out to your jam while you bust out those last few reps. 
  • • Helps you keep a steady pace when working out — the recommended tempo is between 120 and 140 beats per minute.
  • • Enhances your overall mood — music makes you want to keep moving, maybe even dance a little in between your sets. 

All of these elements work together to improve your focus in the gym. So, why not create a gym playlist to get the vibes right?  

Limit Distractions 

This brings us to our next section — distractions — the wrong kind of distractions. Honestly, the main thing capable of pulling you away from a good workout is your phone. 

Big surprise, huh? 

Your phone is non-stop with the notifications. You’ve got emails, texts, social media direct messages, and the list goes on and on. Do yourself a favor and turn your phone on airplane mode while you get in the zone. 

cbdfx topicalsCellphones are one of the biggest distractions in a general sense, so it’s no surprise they’re a distraction in the gym, too. 

Another big distraction comes from other people in the gym. Every friendly conversation chews up valuable minutes of your workout time. You don’t want to be a jerk, but you’re there to work out, not socialize. One friendly way of waving off potential time-frittering conversations is to wear headphones. They not only send the signal that you’re in the zone, but they also lock you into that motivating music we mentioned above!

Main Takeaway

Boosting your workout focus isn’t hard, you just need the right combination of things to make it happen more effectively. We’ve listed some of the most beneficial ways to enhance your focus, but don’t be afraid to try other techniques and products that work well for you. 

Feeling sore after your workout? Try one of our muscle-soothing CBD Creams and Topicals.