What is Functional Fitness? | Benefits & Equipment

What is Functional Fitness? | Benefits & Equipment

3 minute read

Functional fitness is a great way to combat restlessness and keep yourself healthy. In addition, many people see real-world benefits from this type of training.

However, there is some confusion about what functional fitness is! Therefore, we put together this list of common questions and answers associated with this training style.

Keep reading to learn more!

Functional Fitness

Functional fitness is a term for classifying training styles you can use to prepare your body for real-world movements and activities. This type of training aims to build a body capable of doing actual activities in realistic positions.

This style is quite different from training in an idealised posture or fixed positions that you likely won't experience outside of a gym.

Are Functional Fitness and Functional Movement the Same Thing?

You may also know functional fitness by a few additional names, such as functional training and functional movement. They are all the same thing, just different ways of referring to this training style.

What are Examples of Functional Training?

Common functional training exercises include:

  • Push-up variations

  • Walking lunges

  • Jumping movements

  • Squat variations

  • Lateral bounds

  • Single-leg movements

What are the Top 8 Functional Movements?

There are hundreds, or maybe even thousands, of different functional movements that are all great. However, these movements are time-tested and will improve the useful movement patterns of your body and provide excellent results.

Here are our top picks:

  1. Farmer's walk

  2. Jump squat

  3. Wall handstand push-up

  4. Pull-up

  5. Woman maker

  6. Sled push and pull

  7. Single-arm kettlebell snatch

  8. Crab reach

What are the Benefits of Functional Fitness?

If done correctly, functional fitness routines will provide strength, stamina, and movement patterns that translate well into your day-to-day life. As a result, you will become more efficient at all tasks, from carrying groceries to moving heavy furniture.

Beyond that, you can also expect:

However, to get the most out of your functional fitness routine, you may want to pick up some equipment!

What Equipment is Best for Functional Training?

There are more pieces of functional training equipment than we care to count. Because of this, all the options may leave you wondering what equipment is best to help you reach your goals.

To help you out, we put together a list of the equipment we feel provides the most value:

There may be other pieces of training equipment that will help you reach your specific goals, but these are the best places to start.

Is Functional Fitness the Same as CrossFit?

The short answer is: No.

Functional fitness can be done anywhere and does not necessarily require equipment. CrossFit, on the other hand, requires equipment to perform the workouts.

Is Functional Fitness Right for You?

Functional training can offer anyone benefits that translate directly into their life. Of course, only you can answer this question, but we recommend adding some functional movements into your routine and figuring it out!

If you are ready to jump into functional fitness, check out the equipment available in our store!

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