Full City Roast

Full City Roast

$28.00 - Regular price $28.00 USD
Subscription discount 15% off: $4.20
$28.00 - $52.00
Regular price Sale price $28.00 USD
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Product Category:

100% Kona Coffee

Grind & Size : Required


Whole Bean

Greenwell Farms 100% Kona Coffee “Full City Roast” is our most popular classic roast and the most common roast level within the Kona Coffee Belt. This medium-dark roast profile creates a wide spectrum of taste experiences including hints of citrus, nuttiness, cream, vanilla, caramel and chocolate all softly balanced and integrated.

Our Classic Series coffees are sourced both from our farm and other certified Kona Coffee growers. We process all of the coffee fruits on site to the highest gourmet standards and develop consistent flavor profiles representing the best characteristics of that roast category.

If you are new to 100% Kona Coffee, or not sure which roast to choose Full City is the go-to roast. It will please any and all coffee lovers and is a stellar representative of what makes Kona Coffee so unique.

Customer Reviews

Based on 63 reviews
Robert Hamilton
Greenwell Coffee is absolutely the besy coffee on the planet.

I grew up in Hawaii, but am now living in Sammamish, WA. I start every morning brewing a fresh pot of Greenwell Farms coffee. We have been Club members for many years now and look forward to receiving our bi-monthy 6 pound shipment of Full City Roast and Peaberry. We occasionally share a pound with special friends. I must add that the Peaberry is our slight favorite, but also enjoy the Farms special crop offerings.

Kent Haberkorn
Full Flavor Heaven!!

Greenwell Farms has the Best Coffee I have Ever Had Period & Full City Roast is No Exception. Full Bodied & Very Smooth with absolutely No After Taste. If You ever have the opportunity to visit the Big Island of Hawaii Greenwell Farms is a must tour. You will have a New Appreciation to the Care & Personal Touch they give to their Farm & All their Products. One Taste & you will be a Believer in their Superb Coffee’s & Products!


Rozga-Lean Selma
Best coffee ever

Our family visited Greenwell Farms when we were on Kona visiting snd were told (by a local “go to a coffee farm “ & she actually reserved us a space for touring Greenwell Farms
We enjoyed the tasting at the end of tour
and signed up for the coffee club
That was 19 years ago !!!
Needless to say we are devoted fans of the whole beans ( Kona full city roast )

Thank you Greenwell families


Fresh high quality and delicious!!

Michael Salter
Great Coffee

I enjoy the flavor of the Full City Roast. The bast part of my day is opening the package to the great smell of Kona coffee. I prefer a French press and the coffee tasteful with memories of great days spent on the islands.